Chapter 2, “Reviewing and Analyzing Cases: Microcounseling Supervision,” provides a basic supervision model that teaches you a general vocabulary for reviewing microcounseling skills with intention, classifying those same skills with mastery, and summarizing your counseling interview style with an individualized supervision session. The Microcounseling Supervision Model teaches you the needed information to actively listen to counseling tapes and provide the corrective feedback needed to grow in your field experience.

The following points will be presented to help facilitate skill development:

Better comprehend the brain and its functions when selecting counseling skills with a head map of function and neurotherapy interventions.

Using the Microcounseling Supervision Model to assist you in building a foundation necessary for effective counseling and developmental growth.

Assist you with the Counseling Interview Rating Form (CIRF) examining whether the goals of each interview stage are being achieved with the intentional micro- and macrocounseling skills