This chapterch03_ch_001 contains the core of The SmartStart Toolbox Program: seven units of activities aimed at scaffolding learning and attachment in international adoptees. The seven units include: Noticing Our World (regulation of intentional attention and self-regulation in using senses), Let’s Make a Plan (planning, organizing, and strategic problem-solving), That’s Fantastic (fantasy and hypothetical thinking), The Nimble Symbol (understanding symbols as a representation and using symbols as a means of abstract reasoning), What’s the Big Idea? (organizing and communicating information), Who Is in Charge? (self-regulation of attention, goal-directed behavior, movements, and expression of emotion), and Making Connections to Strengthen Attachment (building relationships within the family). Every unit starts with a succinct explication of its theoretical foundation and is followed by the psychoeducational objectives for each activity in the domains of cognitive skills, language proficiency, self-regulated behavior, and interpersonal relationships. The detailed description of activities includes recommendations for the parents and therapists about the needed materials (“Preparation” section) and the verbal instructions for guiding children through an activity (sections “What do I do?” and “What do I say?”). The wording for the activities is specifically adjusted for children who are still English learners and each unit ends with a vocabulary list of suggested words for mediators to use during the course of the activities. Language building and scaffolding are among major priorities of the program, along with the development of cognitive skills, self-regulated behavior and attachment. The units are designed to create and support connection and affection between newly adopted children and their adoptive parents through participation in joint/shared activities within positive emotional context. The activities are selected or designed to be extensions of what parents would ordinarily do with their children, while using materials that are readily available. The units conclude with a brief survey titled “Mediator Response Questions” and the chapter itself ends with a short “Workshop Program Evaluation.”