This chapter is about understanding that multi-hyphenate artistry is not a self-focused or Egotistical endeavor. For a person to begin balancing proficiencies, art rooted in serving others will be more impactful and more memorable. Because societies in the 21st century promote opportunities for a swift rise in stardom, it often causes art to lack intention. In this chapter, one will understand the perspective it takes to create art that has meaning. By doing so, the artist will be able to balance their proficiencies more successfully. The reader will experience perspectives by health professionals and an artist who was on a reality television show and how that affected her ego. The Career Connection is about the theatrical incubators and how they help develop new musicals, plays, and careers. The exercise is to Write a Love Letter to an Artist so that the reader is able to get out of their own needs and wants. The episode excerpt is from MJ McConnell of Episode 45, “Healing and the Combat Soldier.”