The theology of unity (Tauhid) deals with the apostles and the authenticity of their message and treats of their essential and appropriate qualities and of what is incompatibly associated with them. The original meaning of Tauhid is the belief that God is one in inalienable divinity. Thus the whole science of theology is named from the most important of its parts, namely the demonstration of the unity of God in Himself and in the act of creation. The Qur’an describes the attributes of God, by and large, with a far surer accent of transcendance than the earlier religions. Controversy developed over the question whether the real attributes of God should be posited of the Divine essence or not. There was also the question of reason and its competence to know all religious principles, even the ramifications of law and matters pertaining to worship, which some espoused even to the point of excessive pleading of the Quranic text.