The male point of view goes unarticulated today because virtually all contemporary theoretical considerations of masculinity in America are offshoots of feminist and “queer” or lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer/questioning (LGBTQ) theory, and indeed, are invariably housed in university departments of women's studies as an add-on, where they are placed under the rubric of “gender studies.” Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on interactions of gender with race, class, sexual orientation, and nationality. Gender studies is trying to change the world with levers that are actually too small: words can only change the world if people adopt them. The University of Louisville makes even clearer that its “Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies” program is not about objectively inquiring into anything, far less about giving men a voice. The problem with founding studies about individuals on collective forces is that it gives force to the prophet, but robs him/her of effect.