I came by Pav rather accidentally – not that I believe in accidents of this profound nature. Pav is a friend of a friend, and I had been spotted on Facebook. The friend who had inadvertently connected us had no idea that Pav, someone he had known for a long time, had a background in care. As a very eloquent, articulate, Oxbridge-educated man he defies stereotypes about what it is to have been a child in care, suffering with adolescent mental health issues more than most. Having ‘locked down' his experiences for many years, the writing of his time in care was very hard for him to do, although he revealed that he had found a huge weight lifted from him once he had done it, and I felt internally very pleased that I had been a part of a cathartic process by default.



adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. 1