Hours of work have gone into the development of your brand communication plan. Long hours, tons of analysis, checking and re-checking the details. It is finished. But is it?

Developing a brand communication plan is just the beginning. Now you have to persuade others that it is the best plan. That requires presenting. It likely requires not just presenting once but many times to many different stakeholders. Each one of these stakeholders may have a different agenda. And while your plan likely is extremely detailed, the majority of those to whom you present will not dive deeply into each decision that you have made.

Presenting a brand communication plan can be a very difficult task for even a seasoned media planning professional. Understanding how to communicate the plan in simple, non-jargon language by itself is daunting. Add in the complexities of a variety of media types each with their own idiosyncrasies on top of myriad media analyses and you have the recipe for a confusing presentation.

Yet, the outcome of the brand's ability to engage with its intended audience rests on your ability to develop a compelling plan.