This chapter covers assignments and examinations that are a necessary part of studying. However, students do not always like being assessed. They can get quite anxious and nervous about exams and assignments. This comes from poor preparation and a lack of time management. Preparation and time management are essential for online students. There are distractions for online studying which do not exist to the same degree for traditional students. It is therefore essential that those studying online manage their time well and prepare for their assessments. Preparation for online assessment includes knowing what is expected and understanding what file formats and document sizes are allowable. There also needs to be an understanding of how the assignments should be submitted through the Virtual Learning Environment. Online students will also get more chances than traditional students for quizzes, tests, and other non-assessed formative tasks. Students may want to skip these to save time. However, they are beneficial in consolidating learning and can lead to higher marks on the summative assessments at the end of a module. Online students may also be more tempted to cheat and plagiarise. There are also more opportunities for online students to inadvertently plagiarise. This chapter shows that this can be avoided with accurate note-taking and an awareness of what constitutes plagiarism.