Narcissism has always been present in the corporate world. Therefore, most individuals who hold higher managerial and leadership positions possess narcissistic personality traits. Some are diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and can be viewed as a threat to the company and their immediate employees. However, there are some narcissistic leaders who, through their charisma, enthusiasm, and grand vision, can lift up the company and guide employees to great success. This chapter contains information on various forms of narcissism, differentiating between the personality disorder NPD, grandiose, and vulnerable narcissism. The type of narcissism present in a leader determines the leadership style, perception of such individuals among his subordinates, and the outcome he will have on his employees and organization. The research shows that the more visible are the features of narcissistic personality in the leader, the worst the perception of such leader is in the organization. Some of the negative outcomes on the employees are low job satisfaction and job performance, higher job turnover, burnout, and great distress. Along with narcissistic personality, two other personality disorders have also been distinguished, Machiavellianism and psychopathy, which are the main components of the Dark Triad and are present among leaders in the corporate world. Lastly, although narcissism is present mainly among male leaders, female leaders are not excluded. Nevertheless, the gender stereotypes of men and women indicate that narcissistic female leaders are more empathetic and understanding toward their subordinates while male leaders are more to the point and demanding.