This chapter reaches tentative conclusions on complementarity and incommensurability. It develops the concept of Janus-variables, intentional objects which function bidirectionally by conceptually linking super-personal and sub-personal levels of exposition, respectively, to the personal. They thereby assuage the problem of incommensurability without deploying a term that makes sense only in one paradigm as though it belonged naturally, rather than at best metaphorically, to another. Their explanatory role is illustrated by reference to subjective value and affective markers. Janus-variables, first, promote the capacity of the members of the suite of consumer choice models to work together to explain consumer choice. This requires relating the styles depicted in the Continuum to the modes of explanation exemplified by BPM-E and BPM-I, that is, the need to achieve complementarity between extensionality and intentionality. Second, they mitigate the problem of incommensurability by showing events described extensionally by either the BPM-E or BPM-N, to be accessible to personal level intentional interpretation. The chapter concludes with an assessment of the progress under way in the research program as a whole.