Before we discuss the requirements of the standard, some important terms need to be defined in order to understand the OHSMS [Source: ISO 45001:2018, ISO 19011:2018]:

Audit: Systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled

Audit findings: Results of the evaluation of the collected audit evidence against audit criteria

Competence: Ability to apply skills, knowledge, and experience to successfully achieve intended results

Conformity: Fulfilment of a requirement

Consultation: Seeking views and opinions before making a decision Continual improvement: Ongoing effort to enhance performance Corrective action: Action to eliminate the cause(s) of nonconformity or an incident and to prevent a recurrence

Documented information: Information required to be controlled and maintained by the organisation, and the medium in which it is contained

Hazard: Potential source of injury and/or ill health

Incident: Occurrence arising out of a work-related activity that could or does result in injury and/or ill health

Injury and ill health: Adverse effect on the physical, mental, or cognitive condition of workers, which the organisation should try to avoid

12 Interested party: Person or organisation that can affect, be affected, or perceive itself to be affected by the decisions and activities of the organisation

Management system: A set of interrelated policies, procedures, and responsibilities organised into a structured system of processes to help the organisation to realise and achieve its goals and objectives

Nonconformity: Non-fulfilment of a requirement

Objective: Result to be achieved

Objective evidence: Data supporting the existence or verity of something

Occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS): A management system for achieving OHS policy and objectives

Opportunity: Circumstance or set of circumstances that can lead to improvement

Outsource: Arrangements with an external organisation to perform part of the organisation’s process

Participation: Involvement in decision-making processes such as attending OHS committee meetings and management review meetings (MRMs)

Policy: A formal document expressed by the top management defining the intentions and direction of the organisation

Procedure: Specified way to carry out a process

Process: Set of interrelated activities which transform inputs to outputs

Requirement: Needs and expectations (obligatory or generally implied) that are required to be met

Risk: Effect of uncertainty that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative impact

Risk assessment: The overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether the risk is tolerable

Top management: A person or group of persons responsible for directing the organisation at the highest level within the scope of the OHSMS

Worker: Person performing tasks under the control of the organisation. It includes managerial and non-managerial workers, workers of external providers, contractors, and agency workers