From Trivandrum, Janaki and Darlington would travel to Coimbatore; Darlington had been invited by the Association of Economic Biologists to give a lecture or two on his latest researches. The chapter provides a short history of the Association and the Sugarcane Station in particular, and on the rise of economic biology in India centred around breeding stations, which were wholly devoted to crop plants and were male bastions of science. They would also travel to Krusadai Islands, where Janaki’s brother Madhavan was stationed. Darlington’s departure would leave Janaki drained and confused, and she would imagine herself as a renunciate, and even dressing like one. She would continue to collect grasses, despatching batches to Chase, and collecting intensively for her own Flora of South India in Malabar. Janaki would invite Eileen Erlanson to Trivandrum, and together they would botanise in the city and its surroundings.