The hallmark of the new leadership that took over after the ousting of Khrushchev was that of restoration. This was particularly the case in the realm of agriculture, where the disruptive effects of the previous years’ policy had been the most pronounced. Restrictions on the private plots were eased, procurement prices were raised, the TPAs were abolished, and theraikomwas reinstated. At the very top, the Ministry of Agriculture was restored to its former power, even to the point of reinstating the former Minister of Agriculture, Matskevich. The bifurcation of the Party was likewise abolished and the hierarchy of economic administration was restored to its former shape. Thesovnarkhozsystem was abolished and the old ministries brought back. The VSNKh went out and Gosplan came back in, under its old head Baibakov. A similar overhaul was made in the republics. The sum impression of these changes is that, with few exceptions, all traces of the Khrushchev years were removed.