This chapter tells the story of Tsering Drolka, born in 1943 into serfdom, who rose through sheer hard work and talent from initial training as a nurse at the age of 12 to head of the Tibet Autonomous Region Health Department. A Party member, she also held the position of vice- president of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Tsering Drolka was among the cohort of young Tibetans recruited in the early 1950s as cadres, her training leading her to positions in medical administration. Throughout her working life, she has directed health resources in Tibet to women’s and children’s health and family planning. She has been responsible for establishing district hospitals and initiating research into high-altitude diseases. She remains committed to upholding the values of the Chinese Communist Party, yet does not hesitate to acknowledge the personal sacrifices she has had to make and the reality that gender inequality in the work environment and in the division of labour continue to hold women back.