In this chapter, the author describes how a lack of gratitude for her body contributed to the negativity and hatred she felt toward it in her eating disorder, as well as how many historical attempts to develop gratitude tended to result in guilt and shame rather than genuine gratitude. The author confused appreciation for what she had with how undeserving she was of what she had; this is consistent with many individuals’ experiences with unsuccessful attempts to practice gratitude, only to feel more undeserving of life’s gifts than before attempting to practice gratitude in the first place. This experience is incongruent with the practice of genuine gratitude, which is a compassionate extension of appreciation for life and its gifts. The human body is one of these gifts, though many of us do not experience the body in that way. As a result, intentionality is required in developing a grateful perspective toward the body. Gratitude toward life, and specifically the body, fits with principles of body neutrality and provides action steps for that process. Activities for this chapter include a “notice of appreciation” for others’ bodies as a way to acknowledge what genuine body gratitude looks like as well as a thank-you letter to the body, paying specific attention to the body parts that are most difficult for the reader to accept.