In the conclusion, the gloves are taken off, and the most fantastic suppositions and assertions are presented on the foundation of the arguments that have been made throughout the course of this book. First, the narrative of this book will be spelt out chapter by chapter, walking the reader through the process and argument that has led to this point. Then, philosophical rigour is muted in the advance of a philosophical vision that, while embraced in its totality, is understood as an end-in-view that reflects an ideal one, and that in whatever way this vision reflects a more objective ideal, it does so less through insight, intuition, or ingenuity and more through coincidence. However, what it does reflect is an honest impression that highlights the prejudices that have been present since the opening paragraphs and one potential manifestation of the principles of this book that ought to be a part of the conversation as the ideas contained within are discussed and disseminated. Not least because they come from the mind that has put forward the premises and method that supports them.