The conclusion stresses the importance of not dismissing the role played by squadrismo in the Fascist dictatorship. The squadristi were not residues of a supposedly ‘true’ Fascism, but rather represented a crucial element in the definition of Fascism. Violence and its perpetrators were crucial in establishing the dictatorship and making Fascism what it was. Squadrismo was not confined to the phase before the seizure of power, but was a key factor throughout the dictatorship. While essential for Fascist hegemony in the country, the widespread use of force does not diminish the significance of the totalitarian project pursued by Fascism. From the perspective of the squadristi’s violence, not only the line between dissent and consent, but also that between mere indifference and active endorsement, emerges as perhaps more blurred than is commonly assumed. Squadrismo and violence crucially contributed to the attempt to transform the majority of Italians into Fascists. Far from being a criminal practice or a side effect of the Fascist seizure of power, the squadristi’s violence significantly contributed to the regime’s historical and political trajectory. Hence, it represents one of the essential components of any definition of Italian Fascism.