This chapter highlights how a young adult’s life was plagued with depression which for the most part was regarded by older adults as being all in the mind. They would use unhelpful and harsh comments such as “snap out of it” or “pull yourself together” which anyone who has suffered depression would know is a nonsense. Readers are invited through the eyes of a child to see the psychiatric hospital environment and the institutional oppressiveness of the old asylum foreboding structures and how these intimidating buildings impacted on those who lived within their walls. It will resonate with those who have read the work of Erving Goffman and the “total institutions” but in this case through the eyes of a young adult who has no comprehension of why he is suffering so much while others around him seem to have no inclination of how much he is hurting. It highlights the ignorance around mental health which has fortunately moved on and today there is more open discussion about mental health and even a mental health day. Despite this, there is a stigmatisation surrounding mental health which sadly for many is too difficult to talk about for fear of ridicule and abandonment.