The fields of management, innovation, and design are rapidly evolving, and so are the research methodologies to study the phenomena. Our research approach is embedded within Mode 2 research paradigm of knowledge creation. This study created and utilized a hybrid methodology of action research and design science research. This approach is collaborative, in that the research question and the research process are co-developed by the research team and practitioners. The research and management teams converged on answering the question of how engagement in an organizational transformation initiative can be created and maintained. This led to the development of the storymaking approach, an evolution of the more known storytelling: we describe how we move from organizational stories to human stories; from human stories to personal stories; and from personal stories back again to organizational stories, which coalesce around an organization-wide storyworld.

The approach was designed, developed, and tested in collaboration with six partner organizations (Nestlè, Philips, Sasol, Sorgenia, Sintetica, and Stef). Storymaking consists of a series of workshops in which individuals are supported by a card set to make sense of an organizational transformation. Everyone designs her transformation story highlighting direction and required support. Critical reflection takes place in pairs and teams, and everyone takes commitment to some concrete action. We measure the engagement and meaningfulness of the designed story.

This project represents a research platform that contributes to research and practice: we study the role of intimacy in innovation, convergence in a shared direction, cognition, and transformation. Through action research, we also support the sensemaking process of every participant in situ.