This novel is very different from those novels that have come before, and it marks a watershed in the techniques that Huxley uses in the making of his novels and characters. This novel belongs to the 1930s, whereas the novels including Point Counter Point and Brave New World belong to the previous decade. The historical and sociological differences in the two decades also affect the writing style of the author, and the framing of the characters is different. For example, the Great Economic Slump of 1929 completely changed the world view of the people who came after it occurred. As such, the characters created by Huxley, though they still represent types, and are “flat”, now represent not merely ideas, but ideologies, and the frame of reference is larger. That is why, at the beginning of this chapter, there is a detailed analysis of the historical and sociological trends in England of the 1930s, and the change in Huxley's style of writing and manner of characterization because of them. Then follows an analysis of individual characters from the point of view of these developments, and from the perspective of the changed world view of the author himself.