The emotional roller coaster that can accompany giftedness makes parenting a true challenge. However, the nature of giftedness makes these issues significantly more intense. People assume that these children require little to no discipline or encouragement about learning in the school setting, believing giftedness, if it exists at all, is the same as being a high-achieving student. Furthermore, it is assumed that gifted children will always find an intrinsic way to learn there is no need for specialized academic programs or teacher education in the field of giftedness. Unfortunately, these assumptions do not reflect an accurate understanding of the nature of giftedness. Unable to compete socially due to the uniqueness of their personalities, these children often will hide their giftedness, trying hard to fit in to a social structure that eludes them. These children require interventions that stem from a thorough understanding of the emotional nature of giftedness and an understanding of the typical intensity inherent in gifted individuals.