Mainstream psychotherapy may be currently pursuing a positivist agenda of regulation and control of psychical life, yet not everyone is eager to be fixed so they can join the waiting-for-Godot queue in the shopping mall. Many continue to seek a space where ambivalence, deep uncertainty, and discomfort may be examined, and where one's life may be contested. As for desire, this is understood as a generative, liberating force traversing individuals and collectivities, a political force able to produce new assemblages, dissemble stale clusters of power and prejudice, and create the future. In the life of an individual, desire manifests as an amalgamating force which does not wait for the wounds to be healed before one can begin to live, love, and participate in the collective life. As with Spinoza's natura naturans and Nietzsche's will to power, desire is not craving, nor is it based on lack.