Surrealism and Dadaism constituted an early attempt by a notable group of visionaries to extend reality beyond its confines. Andre Breton sought in automatic writing and spontaneous art a means of overcoming the meddling interference of the intellect, a direct route into the creative unconscious — a fusion of dream and reality. Ernst invoked strange gods in The Antipope, again a representation of human and animal atavisms, and very much characteristic of the style adopted by the later fantasy artists of the Vienna school, notably Ernst Fuchs. Stanley Krippner has suggested that the development of interest in the healthy individual rather than the neurotic, which occurred with the birth of humanistic psychology. Transpersonal psychology, with its stress on states of mind which transcend ego-oriented levels of awareness has certainly grown out of earlier forms of growth therapy and gestalt psychology and in particular the work of Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow and Fritz Peris.