Hitherto, with few and passing exceptions, attention has been given only to some of the many occasions on which an active interest in the welfare of Jews and Jewry has been shown by Englishmen as individuals or in private, Unofficial groups. The Jews of Bohemia, in their terror at the threat, appealed for assistance to their co-religionists in all parts of the world. Parliament discussed the matter and the Government was pressed to secure justice for the threatened Jews. The Damascus Blood Accusation was a very serious threat to the peace and happiness of Jews in Eastern lands. The Government of Egypt was at that time under British control. The peninsula, although for the most part a desert, included several oases, in particular that of El Arish, whose extent could be increased by irrigation. The Egyptians objected to a self-contained, to some extent self-governing, colony of Jews on its territory and the project had to be abandoned.