Metapolitics in its traditional new right meaning, and its contemporary manifestation is a full frontal attack on humanism, the idea of universal human rights, Enlightened democracy and equality and freedom for an emerging world community. A digital ethnographic approach allows us to study metapolitics not in the abstract but in the concrete and specific instances of metapolitical activity: in its social, political, economic, technological and historical context. We see how contemporary metapolitical actors use existing niched and more mainstream (digital) cultures, hegemonic ideas and algorithmic knowledge to build a polycentric, transnational and layered cultural niche in which new recruits find a coherent world. These niches are fused and a new wave of ideologically motivated mass movements hits the streets: we have seen snippets of what that alternative looks like in the Capitol Riots, in the massive support of failed and successful terrorists and in the rise in far-right terrorism.