This chapter starts by going back to the roots of new right metapolitics. Metapolitics in the works of Alain de Benoist and La Nouvelle Droite are introduced and the contrast between those conceptualizations of metapolitics with the critique of Guillaume Faye, the former number two of La Nouvelle Droite is displayed. Faye criticizes the ‘intellectual conception’ of de Benoist’s metapolitics in two influential books ‘Why we fight’ and ‘Archeofuturism’. This chapter argues that it is Guillaume Faye’s conceptualization of metapolitics that has found uptake in many contemporary far-right movements. The argumentation is grounded in a detailed analysis of the uptake of Faye’s ideas by the alt-right intellectuals like Greg Johnson (Counter-Currents), Richard Spencer (National Policy Institute) and by Martin Sellner of the Identitarian movement Generation Identity. A series of YouTube videos is analysed that Martin Sellner dedicated to Guillaume Faye’s book ‘Why we fight’.