Unit 6 deals with the skills and competencies students will need for successful spoken communication in the workplace. It begins by identifying key skills and competencies relating to workplace spoken communication such as “Selecting appropriate language in relation to audience, content and purpose of delivery”, “Making effective presentations”, and “Participating in meetings”. It also provides strategies teachers can deploy to turn these skills and competencies into learning outcomes for lessons on spoken communication at work. It revisits the theories and approaches discussed in the Introductory Unit to help teachers identify which ones are the most suitable for teaching their students the chosen skills and competencies. Sample lesson plans are offered, followed by sample materials that readers can use to teach such lessons. The last section of the unit discusses possible tasks that teachers can use to assess their students’ learning. The unit also includes reflection activities for the reader to make links between the theories discussed in the chapter and their own pedagogical practices, and extension tasks based on video clips and extra materials on the main topics of the unit. This is complemented with cultural and technology notes, language corners, and insights from research, all related to the discussions in the unit, and an annotated bibliography at the end of the unit.