The wisdom literature and the leadership development literature tell us that self-awareness is a key aspect of wisdom, but this quest is usually couched in terms of a search for a single authentic self. We talk about ourselves as if we are one single person, thinking and behaving the same way in all circumstances. This perspective of authenticity assumes we have one single self and the quest for authenticity is to find that self. But the evidence suggests we are not one, we are many. There is little evidence to support the notion of a single authentic self. In this section of The Wise Leader we talk about selves-awareness, an approach that implies a different understanding of what it means to be authentic. Delving into our multiplicity of self provides us a much richer, deeper understanding of who we are and how we operate. In this part of the book, we share some of the theory around multiple selves before outlining a detailed process for helping leaders become more selves-aware. We then offer guidance to learning professionals as to how they can integrate the theme of multiplicity into leadership development interventions at every level.