This chapter addresses the doctrine of Redemption as the first religious role-function necessary in any Christology. After exploring the redeeming role of Jesus in the early Christian tradition, noting the connection between salvation and ethics crucial in post-colonial readings of the New Testament, I explore how contemporary theologies of deep incarnation understand redemption and ethics within the more-than-human world and suggest ways of moving past its anthropocentric tendencies. Using Levinasian ethics rooted in face-to-face relationships along with a post-colonial reading of Paul and Ivone Gebara's Christian ecofeminism, I re-imagine Christology as a doctrine of deep Redemption that remains grounded in Jesus’ life and death while extending cruciform identity beyond the human to the divine face of things. As such, this chapter concludes that the divine performance of redemption is reasonably applied to alterity's infinite and immanent call to justice with its consequent solicitation of human responsibility and not restricted to Jesus of Nazareth, or the human face in general.