This chapter reflects on the importance of human interconnection as a decolonial task. It begins with a vignette illustrating a not uncommon classroom practice that discourages connection among students, as well as with the teacher. The chapter then provides instructional approaches designed to connect students to other humans. It introduces an approach to reading instruction that is purposeful in how it invites reflections on other life-worlds by re-imagining literature circles. Next, the chapter provides writing instruction that challenges students to participate in empathetic thinking by developing a podcast that shares their larger community’s answers to a driving question. Then, it examines how to build a holistic classroom ecology through restorative practices. The chapter ends with a vignette to encourage discussion around how to navigate negative responses from the community, questions to consider when planning for human connection, and resources to explore to learn more about restorative practices. It also offers tips on how to emphasize feedback over grades and ways to use digital conferencing tools to connect to people outside the classroom.