The STEAM unit plans for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics follow a nine-step format: Become an Expert; Essential Questions; Objectives; Vocabulary; Materials and Resources; Set, Procedures, and Closure; Formative and Summative Assessment; Extend Learning; and a Sensory Checklist. The Online References at the end of each unit plan contain QR codes that can be optically used to access websites. Science content emphasizes the effects of the Earth's tilt on seasonal differences and the day and night effects of the 24-hour rotation of the Earth on its axis. Technology enables students to see images of stars and distant galaxies in outer space recently recorded by the James Webb Space Telescope. Through computer searches, images of outer space and our solar system are just a few keystrokes away. Electrical engineering focuses on light-emitting diode technology, electrical voltage, and current. Art provides multiple ways for students to represent the solar system through the visual arts, music, movement, and dance. Mathematics makes possible the knowledge about the astronomical distances between the Earth, Sun, moon, and the other planets. Through the use of scaled diagrams of our solar system, students see significant differences in the sizes of these planetary objects and the distances they are from our Sun.