This final chapter completes the discussion on the persisting power of patriarchal norms to severely weaken gender quotas and enable the manipulation of the quota institution for the benefit of men. The chapter argues that while gender quotas have been effective at establishing and maintaining descriptive representation for women in Jaipur, the parshad-pati phenomenon has significantly tempered the ability of the gender quota to build experienced cohorts of women politicians who can challenge gender equality at the state and national levels (where no gender quota exists). This helps explain why, despite the presence of the quota system for two decades, women’s representation at these higher levels has barely increased. However, while the reality of the observed situation could prompt a declaration that the gender quota has failed, instead, by hinting at what to expect in its absence, this reality indicates how critical the institution is. Without the quota, representation would likely be even worse. This chapter also argues for revising our expectations on the ability of quotas to deliver legislative equality quickly within highly patriarchal environments in the absence of voter censure. Finally, a series of adjustments to the current system that could improve outcomes is weighed and discussed.