The concluding Part looks back at the ideas that shaped the research discussed in the book and forward at the ideas ripe for further research. The looking back theme highlights an earlier era of social science infused with debates about Watson’s take on behaviorism, Lewin’s field theory, Simmel’s ideas of group formation and affiliations, Sherif’s emergent group properties, and Goffman’s symbolic interaction perspective. This section also discusses the value of an empirical approach to knowledge accumulation. This resonates with the current spate of science-deniers on climate change and the COVID pandemic. The looking forward theme highlights frontiers for new research on ingroup bias, values and interests, justice, and boundary roles. Examples include the motivating influence of negative partisanship and the relevance of connections between group representation and peace-building for sustained peace. Viewed more broadly, the section delves into the complex issues of connecting levels of analysis in more dynamic frameworks. It concludes with lessons learned from this career about flexibility in moving from one project to another, perseverance in staying the course of the research process, and resilience in bouncing back from disappointing findings or career decisions.