‘What Could Help' encompasses three flashcard images which act as an introductory platform for the remaining cards as viewed through a polyvagal lens. Where possible, the original terminology has been simplified to ‘everyday' language to be used as a psychoeducational vehicle on how trauma affects one's neurophysiology. The Ventral Vagal Anchors, an exercise designed by Dana that encourages people to notice and develop an inner refuge of safety. Daniel Siegel's Window of Tolerance (WOT) enables a sense of awareness for people's inner states and normalises trauma symptoms within a helpful framework. Dana's Personal Profile Map draws on her creation of the ‘polyvagal ladder' to offer an effective tool for mental health professionals to begin to identify people's different states. The WOT is a term coined by Daniel Siegel and defines three layers of emotional arousal. He named the middle layer the ‘window of tolerance' or the ‘river of integration' where people feel calm and equipped to manage more challenging feelings.