This chapter examines the nature and importance of a reality-seeking culture within resilient organizations. The reality of any situation can be hard to see, even when trying our best. Changes in complex systems are inherently impossible to predict, and organizations are composed of multiplicities of complex systems operating within a world of complex systems. But to be successful, to be resilient, organizations must work hard to discern reality. Resilient organizations develop a culture committed to discovering truth at as many levels as possible to make the best decisions and take prudent action. The practice of pursuing truth must pervade as much of the organization as possible, and that means developing reality-seeking people within a reality-seeking culture. Clear pictures of reality require a diverse array of perspectives. But discerning reality is not an easy skill, and often leaders are not willing to make the requisite investments. Truths can be ugly to behold, and the future often looks bleak along current trajectories. This chapter analyzes reality-seeking cultures, how they can be encouraged, and the many challenges they may face.

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