This chapter describes medical aspects sex, gender, Sexual Minority like homosexuality, Transgenderism, Intersex conditions and phobia i.e. homophobia and transphobia etc. Sex and gender are the most fundamental part of one’s identity and both have so many variations. Sex and gender are not the same. Sex and gender can be distinguished in a number of different ways. The Oxford English Dictionary shows the etymology of the term “sex”: it comes from the Latin sexus, a division or grouping, a variant of seco, to cut or divide. The American Heritage Dictionary explaining that gender refers to “sex-based categories.” Gender is one’s own specific way of interacting with and presenting oneself to the world. Gender is expression-physical, mental, spiritual, sexual, inter-relational, connective expression. Gender is how people relate to each other and to the world. Sexual orientation is a part of the body’s biological and neurological make-up.