The Kalimai of Beauvallon is the only one in the region to have the structure of a small temple, where Kali appears as a deity from within and not from outside. The modernisation of this kalimai is less architectural than symbolic and these links were explained to us at length by local sources. This kalimai is located on the site of the former Fabre sugar mill. Due to the placement of the main deities around Kali in the imagery used, we can like it to the concrete evolution of living and working conditions of the ploughmen, some of whom have become small farmers independent of the mill’s ownership Unité mill, which very soon fragmented following a flood. The effectiveness of the deity Kali is symbolically marked by the colour red. The historical reconstruction of this kalimai shows that this place must have been at the barycentre of relations of different orders, structured according to social dualities instituted by the respective positioning of the deities: Dhi/Kali, Dhi/Saher, Bramha/Mahabir Swami and Gowraya/Sittla. This symbolic structure opposes an internal/external duality referring to Kali according to the four levels of organisation of the space for worship/cult.