Movladi Udugov himself was not only the organizer of the propaganda for the jihadists but also an active publicist and ideologist. Both on his own behalf and that of the “Islamic Strategic Studies Centre” which he headed, Udugov actively published materials supporting the jihadist movement. Udugov belonged to the first generation of Chechen militants who made the way from the national Chechen movement to the Islamist call for jihad. Moving from Udugov to less known personalities will strengthen my argument that North Caucasian jihadists made strong references to historical narratives from the North Caucasus, to justify the current confrontation with Moscow. Udugov rejected the Chechen national liberation struggle, and was in favor of the all-Caucasian resistance under the banner of Islam. Udugov repeatedly stressed that the restoration of Sharia law is just a return to that way of life of the people of the North Caucasus before the Russian conquest.