A core value of the primary reference culture for these exercises, the United States, is freedom. The defining historical events in the United States have questions of freedom at their core: freedom from colonization at the founding and freedom from enslavement, the purpose and ostensible outcome of the US Civil War. The greatest contrast to freedom is slavery. The Global Estimates of Modern Slavery reported by the United Nations International Labour Organization for 2022 estimated that, at that time, 50 million people worldwide were enslaved in some form. Theoretical analyses of slavery are in short supply; X. Hu provides an intuitive game-theoretic approach to the difference between conditions of control that lead to either slavery or power sharing. Possibly a video game featuring slavery could be procured, played, and discussed. S. Mukherjee provides some leads in this direction. Discussion could also extend to considerations of the history of slavery and proposals for current redress and restitution.