According to Chapter 8 similar to education and occupation there exists a correlation between income and skin color. This correlation is a product of colorism. This relationship operates both inter-racially and intra-racially. Therefore, as suggested by data such as the US Census whites controlling for qualifications earned higher incomes than blacks. Social science investigators have calculated the same scenario between light-skinned blacks and dark-skinned blacks. Subsequently light-skinned blacks earn more when controlling for qualification than dark-skinned blacks. This differential being well-known contributed to policies to reduce the differences. Affirmative Action is one such among policies designed to reduce the impact of colorism upon incomes. The most dramatic example of this income phenomenon is illustrated by reference to the legal brothel industry. Workers who are light-skinned earn more in compensation for services rendered than their darker-skinned counterparts. Lastly the same income issue relative to skin color per colorism was found to exist among immigrants.