The chapter discusses the future perspectives in inclusive development in terms of key issues covering the macroeconomic policy framework, inclusive industrialisation and globalisation, human rights, ‘leaving no one behind’ agenda, labour market dynamics, gender inequality, inclusive institutions and a few other dimensions in the Bangladesh context. The discussions identify inclusive labour market as important and mutually reinforcing pillar of inclusive development. The key is to adopt specific pathways for different groups of job seekers supported by needed package of services and comprehensive support measures. The training and skills upgrading programmes should focus on current and future occupational needs in the labour market with emphasis on flexible and transferable skills and employability enabling greater labour market integration. The process should also recognise existing competences including non-formal skills of the existing labour which can equip them with supplementary skills to access quality employment. Social investments in disadvantaged areas would also bring relevant services to these communities and play a key role in pro-actively reaching the disadvantaged regions and communities with job opportunities thereby improving overall social cohesion and economic potential needed for inclusive development.