The modern legislative foundation of apartheid was the Native Land Act of 1913, which specifically reserved certain areas for black ownership. The iniquities of apartheid, which have rightly enraged human rights organizations the world over, have arisen from the practical problems of the intermediate stage, a circumstance which in no way mitigates their evil. Paradoxically where slavery has occurred it has done so in defiance of apartheid principles and has been perpetrated by ignorant sections of the community, initially motivated by prejudice. The features of the system that reduces people to the level of chattel slaves are there: incommunicado detention without trial and torture when under interrogation. The United Nations needs to involve itself much more intimately with its foster child, so that the Cuban-Angolan and the South African forces can disengage. Day-to-day practices of apartheid are evil, but there is nothing evil about nations developing separately, and related tribes refer to themselves collectively as nations.