Once state legislatures pass statutes and regulatory boards pass regulations, they must be implemented. Each state has a state education agency, or Department of Education, to enforce and support ratified laws. Depending on their constitutional powers, they can also create their own regulations. This chapter discusses how readers can engage with state departments of education to ensure state laws are enacted as intended. Understanding the intent behind a law is critical and misinterpretations happen all the time. Being an active contributor and collaborating with the state department of education is critical to ensuring that the mental health supports that were advocated for and won at the state level, make their way down to the school level as intended. Discussion will be introduced about what state education agencies are, what their role is in policy implementation, and opportunities for advocates to engage. Tips for school-based mental health workforce development strategies and mental health services at this level are offered. Model policies relative to student mental health days, mental health service collaboration, statewide plans for student mental health, student stress and anxiety management, and community partnerships are shared for readers to consider applicability in their context.