This chapter focuses on the approach we use in working with youth and community leaders, individually or within their organizations. It also describes the mindset and attitude we hold and our intentions in working respectfully and honoring the work already being done in the field. We understood from the beginning that when we entered into communities, we brought with us knowledge from the academy and other community projects. We also knew we needed to understand the local knowledge these youth leaders had to figure out ways to be effective. As we were introduced to many groups and others we chanced upon, we witnessed great work already being done. We wanted to learn from them what it is they are doing, how they developed these ideas, and what sustains them in the face of adversity. At the same time, we were looking for openings to see ways in which we could contribute and add value from what we brought. We wanted to work in partnership, so using participatory action research (PAR) methods, we privileged their local knowledge and enhanced their efforts by sharing what we knew about communication, systems thinking, and creating better social worlds.