This chapter concerns the pedagogical aspect of public pedagogy. Argument is made for the significance of attention to our reading of pedagogy. This attention is often missing in the literature in this field. This chapter provides a deep engagement with the architecture and dynamics of pedagogy itself. Our theorisation builds on a reading of pedagogy as relational (Ellsworth 1997; Aoki 2003) and extends to an explicit engagement with the structure of the event of pedagogy. Pedagogy is argued as the relationship between learner, knowledge, place and sometime pedagogue. Each of these constituents is elaborated for their nature and their role in creating pedagogy. Consideration is given to how each of these may shift and the resultant implications as they collapse into each other. This intra-action (Barad 2007) is present in the pedagogical encounter. In order to address this encounter, a fabulation of a black hole is put to work. This dynamic engagement is then extended to pedagogy's attachment to and with the public. Here, within public pedagogy, the public is considered as learner, the public is considered as place and the pedagogical encounter in the public space is examined.