This final chapter of this book has three objectives. First, it aims to provide a summary of the major findings concerning digital discourse. This includes an analysis of how various actors construct, promote, resist, and challenge different forms of digital discourse, the similarities and differences between these actors, and the various types of discourse that arise from within these actors. These similarities and differences demonstrate that digital discourse is a contested field where power struggles occur in the transformation of China’s capitalism through network technologies. Second, it focuses on China’s digital discourse’s ideological elements, as it is used to obscure social conflicts, redirect public attention, and justify power relations. This chapter proposes to reintegrate the critique of digital ideologies into China’s development of capitalism. Lastly, based on the analysis of discourse and ideologies from various social actors, the concluding chapter proposes a multi-layered and multidimensional model to comprehend ideologies in capitalism. This model emphasizes the significance of alienation, commodity fetishism, and reification in present-day discussions of ideology and discourse. By identifying the ideologies, their origins, functions, and limitations, we can develop better strategies for social struggles and transformations.