Chapter 6 exposes that both sovereignty and cosmopolitanism characterized as pluralism of pluralisms present a variety of agents playing different roles interrelated in the domestic, regional and international contexts that can be assessed factually, normatively and axiologically by focusing on their different modes of existence. Depending on how and where they happen, these pluralisms and their interrelations may become, i.e., emerge, manifest, in different dimensions, such as linear and nonlinear. While the linear dimensional model understands the interrelations between pluralities in a more orderly manner and may help foresee conventional effects, the nonlinear dimensional model accepts the unusual interrelations of the same pluralities and offers other possible outcomes. For example, in basic terms, a linear vertical dimension in regard to any agent refers to its singularity, its elements and features. In addition to the different pluralisms, linear and nonlinear multidimensional analyses should account for several possible influences. For instance, what sovereignty and cosmopolitanism mean, their nature and their assessment will differ depending on variables such as time and space.