Chapter 6 explores one of the fundamental responsibilities of leaders, which is to seek to understand what is going on in the workplace and what that means in terms of how we will be able to work together productively. In other words, the culture or what some scholars have referred to as the habitus of our organisations. This represents our agreements and understandings of the “way we do things around here.” Our habits, values, and beliefs. The language we use. The stories that we tell ourselves and each other, and the symbols that have special meaning and/or emotional connections for us. All of these affect the groups that we belong to and our identities as well as what we take for granted and what and how we understand and perceive what is going on.

The chapter concludes with the introduction of the concept of value slogans, a subset of values used as branding or motivational slogans, and an exploration of how they can affect how we work together.