Due to the Corona Pandemic, the need to adapt the psychodrama sessions to the screen arose. In this part, we read the author’s detailed diary of the planning and challenging implementation of group psychodrama in Zoom sessions.

In this personal diary, we learn that despite the challenges of technology, people with dementia are capable of connecting and participating actively in group work online. We learn how to use sound, movement, adapted sociometry exercises and share screen of appropriate you-tubes, to keep the participants, on the screen, alert and involved. Building a circle of trust on the screen by encouraging the participants to look at all the squares and interact through inviting exercises is taught. We see how sharing the home environment presents the leader with new opportunities for connection and provides us with another perspective on the lives of our group members.

Most importantly, we understand that Zoom sessions should be well-planned but the leader’s spontaneity and flexibility are the most essential components for true success.