Advocating for student needs is an important part of the role of a special education teacher. It is also important for special educators to advocate for themselves when necessary. So how might a special educator advocate for student needs or needs of their own without creating stress and difficulty? This chapter invites special education teachers to reflect on proactive measures they can take to solve problems before they start. It includes tools to help ensure that Individual Education Plans are followed by all team members, which is a legal mandate within the scope of the special education teacher’s job. The chapter also provides tools special educators can use to help students learn to advocate for themselves. This is particularly important as students make the leap from their educational years to their adult lives. The activities offered in this chapter will help students paint a clear picture of what they hope for themselves. Special education teachers can then better take steps to set the stage for future success. Special education teachers may sustain themselves when they realize that they have the chance to make a lasting impact through effective advocacy.